Quick Summary of WebLogic Workshop 10.2
Here is a summary of the "What's new" page when you launch Workshop 10.2 (which is now called Workspace Studio 1.1):
- Eclipse Bundling: Workshop 10.2 is Eclipse 3.2.2 with WTP 1.5.4 including Spring IDE 1.3.6
- Performance Release: 10.2 fixes many performance issues! We'll see! ....
- Tuxedo Control: There is a new control to interact with Tuxedo Services
- Adobe Flex Builder 2 and Flex Charting
and since Workshop 10.1: - All functionalities of Workshop Studio have merged into Workshop:
Struts, Beehive, JSF 1.1 Support
Strong support for Web Service Creation
DbXplorer (simple db client)
DbXaminer (given a connection, it renders DB data model)
ORM mapping support for Kodo and Hibernate
Automatic generation of Spring configuration files and DAO classes
Improved PageFlow support (WYSIWYG JSP editing and more netui support)
Support for Maven based builds